Om meg

Bildet mitt
Velkommen til bloggen min. Jeg heter Henriette, er 30 år og jobber som sykepleier på dialysen på Haukeland. Nå reiser jeg til Zanzibar for å jobbe på sykehus et år. Dette er en utveksling av helsepersonell i regi av Fredskorpset, Haukeland og Mnazi Mmoja Hospital. Lenger nede i arkivet er det blogginnlegg fra tidligere reiser. Sommer 2015: Dialysevikar i Tromsø Vår 2015: Peru, Cuba, Canada, Island Høst 2014: Bartender i Bergen Vinter/vår 2014: Sør/øst Asia. Thailand, Vietnam, Kambodsja, Filippinene, Laos, Indonesia

fredag 3. oktober 2014

It's New

I have moved into my shard flat and started working at Biskopen pub. I have had two shifts, and are working tonight and tomorrow as well. Biskopen is a place for beer lovers. They sell 130 different beers, and I am the confused girl in the bar that have to look through 6 fridges to look for a beer she has never heard about. People also a lot of questions about the beers that I have never heard of and ask me to recomend beers I have never tested. And then I have to figure out the price from the enormous board on th wall. My head is spinning. Everytime someone orders a Hansa or Heineken I feel like winning the jackpot. I'm sure it will get better in time, but I hate not knowing it all. The first days in a  new job when you feel totaly useless is the worst. At least I know it will get better, just need some practice. 

I moved my stuff into the flat on Tuesday, Elisabeth helped. Then I slept at Elisabeths for the next 2 nights. It takes time to understand that I live somewhere new. I hate and love change at the same time. I texted Elisabeth 23:00 Wednesday night. She was working the late shift and I got of work at 22:00. She came pisked my up so I could sleep on her sofa. Stupid! But I guess I had enough new for one day with first day on new job. Last night I got of work at 03:30. My first night here, I slept like a baby! 
It's no castle but it's good enough.
Here is some pics from my room