WARNING: this is just an excuse to publish way to many Norwegian nature pics. I dont blame you if you dont care
Good thing about the weather, you only have to look out the window to be up to date and everyone is interested. One of the perks of living in a city with suck a variety of weather. :P
Anyways. Last weekend i decided to go hiking in the woods by myself. I planned on going through the woods and up Veten(mountin).
Deartrail, trail what is the differense?

Then I found a road I hadn't walked before. I'm sure it will lead me to the same place as the main road, i though. I really dont know why I still think I can find my way. I have NO sence of direction, what so ever. I think that I can always find the ocean(it's not true).
At some point to road just stopped. If i imagined that it was a path going on or if i just climbed on, I'm just not sure. I hate turning back, so often I just keep walking telling myself I will end up the same place as long as I keep walking where my gutt is telling me to go(it is always wrong).

I found the way back to where I lost my way in the first place, then I lost my path again, luckily it was a Sunday so I could hear people talking and navigated after the snu and talk. It wasn't funny anymore so I stopped taking pictures. I walked through bushes(brake) about my hight. Wiggled between trees. Walked through swamp. When I finaly found back to where I usualy hike i lied down on a rock, soooo happy the hike was almost over. Then i realized i had about 20 tiny ticks(flått) crawling on me. My happy moment was definently over! After 5 minits picking them of(luckily only one had attached itself to me), I trew my socks(cowered, so if you find 2 white tennis socks under a rock my Børnesvatnet you know who they betong to) away and ran home. I left most of the clothes outside, freaked out just thinking about bringing ticks in. Yuck!
Next day(after working a nightshift in the nursinghome) I was relaxing outside in the sun when I thought. Hmmm, I'm bored. Lets stopp taking selfies and hike up Veten for real this time.
Half way up I saw a sign to Randifjellet(mountain). I have never been there, so lets go I thought.
It was a really nice hike, even if i really wished they i had waterproof shoes. And also, many times I though I had lost the path and had turn back to make sure I hadn't overlooked any markes.

Instead of about an hour hike, I returned to the car 3 hours later.
When I got home we had a barbique. Great day!
2 days ago me and my cosin decided to go to Haganesfjellet(mountain). We had never been there. After a little while we lost the path. I was not happy. Moping and ready to tell my cosin I was walking home(15 min drive), but he could go on if he wanted. Luckily i sucked it up, and when we finaly found the right path and came to the top it was so worth it! About 236 meters above sea level, but felt highter. Definently hiking here again.
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